Aibel moving 2,000 FTEs to Thailand

Aibel’s yard in Laem Chabang

Norwegian Aibel has decided to move the construction of the biggest module of their Troll A project from their yard in Norway to their yard in Thailand.

The 4,500 ton module represents 2,000 full-time equivalents, and is part of a 2.7 billion NOK contract with Statoil to upgrade their Troll A platform with three new modules with a total weight of 6.800 ton.

It was Aibel’s intension to build all three modules in Norway and have the steelwork delivered from subcontractors in Poland. The decision to move the construction is due to full order books at Aibel’s Polish subcontractors.

Aibel’s yard in Laem Chabang, in Thailand proved their ability to deliver the right quality at the right time, when they October this years delivered two major modules with a combined weight of 6,500 ton to Aibel’s Gudrun project, says shipyard director Bjørn Tollefsen

“Although we moving construction work to Thailand, it is fully up to be done by the yard in Haugesund.”

He is supported by Momir Repaja , head of the engineers club at Aibel.

“We had not consented to the transfer of the construction of the Troll module to Thailand if it had cost Norwegian jobs.”

He adds that the model for division of labour between Thailand and Norway on the Gudrun project worked well.

“By dividing the task between our two yards, we utilize the capacity of both yards during busy times.”

The Troll A platform produces gas worth 250 million NOK a day, making in Norways main money machine.

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