Phuket rejects Danish terror warning

“It’s nonsense,” Police Colonel Apirak Hongthong, head of Phuket immigration office, says to Reuters. 
“Our security has been tightened and those blacklisted people can’t get here. This is the world’s safest island.”
Phuket Governor Pongpayome Vasaputi said on Thursday several hundred rescue volunteers and shopkeepers would also be trained in surveillance to help the island’s 800 police officers.
“Thanks for the warning, but we have done everything that we can and we will try to do even more,” Pongpayome told Reuters.
Thai intelligence sources said on Thursday they had received no information on planned attacks on foreign tourists.
“What we are concerned most about now is attacks on foreign embassies in Bangkok,” an intelligence police general who declined to be identified told Reuters. “After the Bali blasts, we have sent more patrols to potentially targeted embassies.” Full story on Reuter:

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