Danish Museum Opens Chulalongkorn Exhibition

The idea to make a Chulalongkorn exhibition was brought to life when Khunying Amporn, the former doctor of the Thai royal family, visited Denmark last year to gather information in order to write a book about King Chulalongkorn. She went to Skagen to see the flag and more objects  at the Skagen By- og Egnsmuseum and visited other places in Denmark that King Chulalongkorn saw during his visit in 1907 e.g. Roskilde Cathedral and Københavns Toldbod. 
         Photos and objects related to King Chulalongkorns visit to Denmark were found in several places. The findings were of such interest that the Lions Clubs of Denmark and Thailand in cooperation with the Skagen By- og Egnsmuseum decided to make an exhibition dedicated to King Chulalongkorn. The curator of the museum, Michael Ax, finds that it is important to the museum to explain to tourists, knowing nothing or very little of King Chulalongkorn, why he is still much respected in Thailand almost a century after ruling the country.
         “The Thais almost see King Chulalongkorn as divine. By being a brilliant diplomat he prevented Thailand being colonialized. A fact that brings great pride to the Thais,” he says.
         For that reason Michael Ax expects a lot of Thais to visit the exhibition, which will be open till the end of 2007.

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