Sweden Pavilion at Enviro Asia 2005

Over 10 Swedish companies will join Enviro Asia 2005, an second international environmental exhibition and conference at the Singapore Expo, between 9 -11 November. 
         The Sweden pavilion located in Hall 4 B28 arranged by the Swedish Trade Council and the Embassy of Sweden will be represented by:
         ABS Waste Water Technology, Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry, Alfa Laval Singapore, BonaKemi Asia Pacific, Elof Hansson SingaporeEnvac Singapore, GETINGE International Far East, IKEA Asia Pacific, Sam McCoy Engineering and Volvo East Asia.  
         At the conference, Prof Hans Lundberg of the Swedish Institute of Environment Research/IVL will present a paper on “The Sustainable City – a Swedish Partnership Initiative”.  
         The second Enviro Asia 2005 exhibition at the Singapore Expo is organized by the Waste Management and Recycling Association of Singapore and the Singapore Water Association. 125 exhibitors from 16 countries. 
         For more information, please contact Esther Lim at tel: +65-6415 9724.

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