Danida will Fund State Audit of Vietnam

On behalf of Danida (Denmark’s state-run aid organisation), Ambassador Peter Lystholt Hansen attended the signing ceremony in Hanoi on Friday December 16, where he put his signature to the funding agreement. With 4.2 million DKK Danida will support the implementation of the Law of State Audit in Vietnam – a project, which will run for 2 years.

The project will accelerate the reform of the public finance sector in Vietnam. The Danish funds will contribute to training and capacity building of auditors and officers of the State Audit of Vietnam all over the country, and will support the efforts to promote the legal documents on live television shows and other medias, as well as the publishing of a Question-and-Answer Book.

For more information, please visit the official website of the Danish Embassy in Hanoi: www.ambhanoi.um.dk

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