At Least 35 Dead After Typhoon Hits Philippines

Typhoon Chanchu killed at least 35 and made almost 50,000 people homeless as it laid havoc to the Philippines. The capital Manila, eastern and central provinces were hit hardest. In these areas lots of people are still without electricity and houses are flooded.
Danish travel agencies Mytravel and Star Tours report that they had no guests in the affected areas during the typhoon.
“If any Danes are in the area they are travelling on their own. My guess is that between 50 and 100 Danes are there at the moment,” sales director Stig Elling told Danish newspaper Politikken.
There has been no news of injured Danes.

140,000 stranded in ports
Most casualties were caused as a ferry sank Friday and 25 were killed. 10 more were killed by different accidents caused by the typhoon.
At least 608 houses were completely destroyed and 3452 were partially destroyed and the typhoon led to the cancellation of several flights and ferry departures and a total of 140,000 people were stranded in airports and harbours.

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