Nordic Share Experiences In Fighting Corruption

The four Nordic Ambassador to Vitenam; Ambassador of Denmark Peter Lysholt Hansen, Ambassador of Sweden Anna Lindstedt, Ambassador of Finland Kari Alanko, and Ambassador of Norway Kjell Storlokken, have been in a joint article published in a number of Vietnamese newspapers shared the Nordic experiences with the fight against corruption.
In the article the Nordic ambassadors stress the importance of committed leadership, transparency and strong institutions to act as watchdogs for the fight against corruptions to succeed.
The Ambassadors are absolutely convinced that Vietnam can effectively reduce corruption which hurts the poor and thwarts development. Reducing corruption will make the public sector more effective, attract private investment and increase Vietnam’s competitiveness.
All of them continue to stand ready to share Nordic’s experiences with Vietnam at this important moment in time, when the government of Vietnam is about to decide how to fight corruption in the most effective way in this country. If the government is successful in this effort it can prove decisive for the development of Vietnam.
The Nordic countries are all among the Top 10 performers in Transparency International’s Corruption Index.
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