Overwhelming Success for DABS Annual Ball

For the moment one of the most popular TV shows in Denmark and other European countries is called “Vild Med Dans” or in English “Strictly Come Dancing”.
For the Danish community in Singapore watching people dance on TV just does not do it. They want to dance themselves.
More than 200 Danes in the mood for partying and dancing joined the Danish Business Association of Singapore’s Annual Ball on Saturday the 28th of October.
The Ball took place in the newly refurbished ball room on the 24th floor of the Hilton Hotel offering the guests a magnificent view of Singapore.Secretary to the DABS Committee, Tine Falther, is very pleased with the Ball.
“I think that everybody had a great time this evening. A lot of the guests came to me to express how much they enjoyed themselves at this Ball which is getting quite a tradition as this is the sixth or seventh time, DABS arrange it. And I am quite sure that there will be a DABS Annual Ball 2007,” Tine Falther enthusiastically explains.
But the night was not all about dancing. After dinner it was time to get a good laugh. Tine Falther explains that a lot of companies had decided to sponsor this year’s Ball making it possible for DABS to hire Danish comedians Søs Egelind and Kirsten Lehfeldt and have them flown in from Denmark for this particular event.
“They performed a lot of sketches with different characters from their shows. Søs and Kirsten are really full of energy and made us all laugh over and over again,” Tine Falther says.
And then it was time to dance. As soon as the 17 man big orchestra The Thomson Big Band started playing, ladies in gowns and men in dark tuxedos entered the dance floor to dance the night away in the company of old friends.But the Ball offers more than a chance to move to the rhythms and talk to old friends.
“The Ball is a unique opportunity to do some networking. You can meet new friends and business contacts in a relaxed atmosphere. So you can have fun while you are networking,” Tine Falther explains.
Tine Falther tells that a lot of Danes have recently moved to Singapore.
“Danish companies like Vestas and Saxo Bank have recently started doing business in Singapore and I was pleased to see so many of the employees attending this Ball and using this networking opportunity,” she explains.
Tine Falther tells that arranging the Annual Ball takes a lot of planning.“Basically you will have to start arranging next year’s Ball right after this year’s Ball has taken place. You will have to book entertainment and especially the room a long time in advance as the supply of appropriate rooms is rather limited in Singapore,” she explains.
In spite of this year’s Ball being a huge success, Tine Falther would like one thing to change.
“I really do hope that we can get a bigger room for the Annual Ball 2007. I really think it is a pity that we had to turn down the people on a waiting list. We would much rather have them come and join us. I just do not want that to happen again” the Secretary of the DABS Committee says.

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