DNV ready for Singapore opportunities

Rapid expansion in Singapore’s shipping, offshore and manufacturing industries, springing from sustained economic growth, is offering new opportunities for DNV.
“Everybody knows that Asia is the growth area, in which Singapore plays a significant role,” says Ragnar Hansen, regional manager of DNV Southeast Asia. “We’re confident about the market here and that more business opportunities will come our way.”
DNV has a network of 70 offices in 25 countries in Asia, and supplies a full range of technical and consultancy-related services supported by resource centres in Pusan, Shanghai and the Asia Pacific base in Singapore, which has been established for more than 40 years.
DNV has kept a close eye on the development of Asia Pacific’s shipping industry. It’s been a fast changing, fast developing industry and still is, but what was relevant 10 years ago in Singapore isn’t as pertinent today.

Maritime cluster
“Singapore will undoubtedly retain its world-leading position as a major transhipment centre and also continue its key role as a ship/rigbuilding and repair centre. However, Singapore will probably enhance its position as a ‘maritime cluster’ with increased activities in shipowning, ship management, ship finance, legal and other marine-related services,” states Hansen.
The majority of DNV’s work in Singapore is aimed at supporting shipowners with class matters relating to day-to-day operation of their vessels. However, to complement Singapore’s efforts to enhance its capabilities DNV will continue to offer training courses.
Says Hansen, “The need for training is tremendous; and like Europe, the demand by Asian shipowners for skilled shore and sea-based personnel is growing significantly every year.”
Along with its class and training services, the Singapore office is offering its customers a wide and expanding range of value-adding risk management services.

Innovative approach
Nick Roper, head of the Maritime Service Centre comments: “In response to changing market conditions, we are actively developing both new and existing services from life-cycle risk management and integrity management to safety and environmental consultancy and R&D projects. We offer these services through our Maritime Solutions consultancy office here in Singapore. We believe that the ability to swiftly respond to change, and a committed approach to further innovation and improvement, will help position us for the future.”
One good example of DNV’s innovative service approach is the work it’s doing for Malaysia International Shipping Corp (MISC). The work focuses on operational excellence and the development of new practices to support MISC in meeting its strategic ambition of becoming a leading industrial shipping company.
DNV currently has 220 employees in Singapore and is looking to employ more staff to handle the increasing workload. It operates in dynamic markets and ship classification is but one of DNV’s business lines. In addition energy and Industrial certification are two important business areas for DNV

Offshore prowess
The recent opening of its new offshore classification centre in Singapore represents another step forward in DNV’s regional expansion that will enable it to better serve its clients. “The yards here in Singapore (KepFels and SembMarine) have made huge leaps in their offshore prowess such as the construction of jack-ups and semi-submersibles,” says Hansen “and we are aiming to play a bigger role in this booming sector through our new and expanded services.”
While DNV is known for its expertise in the shipping and offshore sectors, it is also active in the industrial certification business. Its work in Singapore spans across many industries including aviation and the health care sector. The demand for certification of management systems is rising as companies seek to ensure that the products being sold meet international quality standards.

Training specialist
External certification training is another important service provided by DNV, and it now aims to further its reputation as a training specialist for risk management by offering a wider range of assessment services.
Another important business line is DNV Petroleum Services (DNVPS), the largest tester of bunker quality levels in the world – ensuring that contaminated fuel is avoided and maintenance costs reduced. DNV has strengthened its position in fuel quality testings, with a 75 percent share of the world market.
Looking ahead, DNV’s strategy is to further strengthen its market position in Singapore through growth and the optimisation and expansion of its services. There is a growing demand for DNV’s services beyond the general market growth. Many of these market drivers are related to what takes place in the region. Environmental concerns, globalisation, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable growth are direct business drivers for DNV
“For DNV this means the more our activities can be seen as part of the customer’s value-adding chain, the greater the impact of our work to safeguard life, property and the environment,” says Hansen and concludes “In this way we can help realise our objective as well as all our customers’ business goals.”

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