Norway and Indonesia Holds 7th Annual Human Rights Dialogue Meeting

Indonesia and Norway jointly organized the 7th annual Human Rights Dialogue meeting in Jakarta 15-16 April 2008.
State Secretary Elisabeth Walaas of Norway headed a delegation of 25 Norwegians from civil society, government and NGOs. Approximately 130 people attended the opening ceremony with speeches from State Secretary Walaas, Director General Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, Ministry of Law and Human Rights and Director General Rezlan Izhar Jenie from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia.
After the opening, there were plenary discussions on the three agreed topics:  Children’s rights, Human rights in the armed forces as well as Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The participants from both countries then participated in working group discussions and were encouraged to report back to the plenary of their discussions, findings and recommendations.
Ms Walaas also had meetings with Minister of Law and Human Rights, Mr Andi Mattalatta, Minister of Trade, Ms Mari Pangestu and Secretary General Imron Cotan of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The annual Human Rights Dialogue is considered a corner stone in the bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Norway.


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