Finalists For The Performance Art Talent Prize 2008 Selected

The Embassy of Denmark today announced the ten most talented artists who have been selected to perform at the final competition of the annual Talent Prize 2008 for the performing art.

 The contest, is held by the Embassy’s Cultural Development and Exchange Fund (CDEF), will take place on October 25 at the Van Ho Vietnamese Art and Culture Exhibition Centre, 2 Hoa Lu, Hanoi from 7 pm to 9.30 pm.

 This year, the CDEF has received 28 applications from performance artists from all parts of Vietnam. The CDEF jury panel have selected ten applicants and will support each of these with US $500 to complete their piece of art. They are Nguyen Van He with “ Being Trapped”; Le Quy Anh Hao with “Story of Images”; Pham Van Truong with “Questions”; Nguyen Anh Tuan with “Grown up”; Nguyen Huy An with “Round Movements” Le Van Son with “Flood”; Pham Huy Thong with “Happy Pigs”; Nguyen Phuong Linh with “Under Water”; Tran Huynh Trieu An with “Shadow-Image” and Le Thi Minh Nguyet with “Await” .

 The final decision of the talent prize 2008 winner will be made by the audience and announced during the event on October 25. The best performance art will be rewarded with US$ 3000 as an encouragement for the talented entrant to invest in and create new art performances.

 The CDEF talent prize for young Vietnamese artist is arranged by the Embassy of Denmark to support to the cultural activities in Vietnam. The talent prize is given annually and aims to cherish young talents in various fields of art. This year “performing art” was selected as the theme because of its growing importance on the cultural scene of Vietnam. With the talent prize event the CDEF wishes to provide the young Vietnamese performance artists with an opportunity to enter a national competition and gain recognition for their talents.

 Each of the applicants has created a piece of art that is in accordance with the CDEF definition of performing art; “performing art is when actions of an individual or a group constitute the work and when the relationship between performer and audience is the main focus”. Within this definition, the performance artists can challenge the established concepts of time and space as well as the relationship between the performer and the audience.



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