Denmark Builds Vietnamese Human Right Centre

The Rector of Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, Prof. Dr. Mai Hong Quy, and the Danish Ambassador to Vietnam, Mr. Peter Lysholt Hansen, officially opened the first Human Rights Research Centre at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Law the sixth of March.

The Center’s mission is to undertake research, exchange and publicize information on human rights law to support training and research at the University.

Prof. Dr. Mai Hong Quy stated: “Developing capacity in law research in general and human rights law in particular is an important policy of the University in order to enhance its role in training and research in Southern provinces and in Vietnam. Therefore, the establishment of the Centre is an important step toward this direction’’.

The Centre has the mandate to conduct research on human rights, disseminate results of research on human rights, and applying results of research into education of the University.

Ambassador Peter Lysholt Hansen said: “This Centre is the first of its kind in Ho Chi Minh City, and the second only in Vietnam. Denmark is proud to be able to support the establishment and development of the Centre and the building up of capacity in human rights law among researchers and law students in Vietnam”.

The Embassy of Denmark has supported the establishment and development of the Human Rights Research Centre since 2007 as part of a comprehensive program on support to good governance in Vietnam, which also includes similar support to the establishment and development of a Human Rights Research Centre under the law faculty of the Vietnam National University -Hanoi.
The assistance is based on a funding agreement signed with the Government of Vietnam on 27

December 2007.

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