Report from the Annual Meeting in Svenskföreningen in Hua Hin

On 26th of November 2009 the first annual meeting was held at Svenskföreningen in Hua Hin. At the same time the association celebrated its first anniversary, which was highlighted by the traditional biscuits of the day being converted to chocolate cake, which was served with coffee.
The meeting was as usual well attended and some 150 people showed up to enjoy the pea soup or other tasty dishes from the menu on the “3 Girls” in Hua Hin. The association continues to grow and now has over 500 members. Member number 500 was Barbara Gutestam who was awarded a beautiful bouquet of orchids.

Consular in Hua Hin?

Gert Andersson presented the past year, where the association was formed, rapidly growing and what activities occurred. Many interesting guests and lecturers visited the club during the year, such as Pär Kågeby from the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok, Khun Ton from P&A Notary, Translation Office, and representatives of Chavalit & Finch law firm.

The association has in the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok raised the question of the consular function in Hua Hin. The Embassy has announced that there are funds for such, but offers instead an honorary consul. The association has asked for a clarification.

A brief financial report was presented which showed that the association proceeds on 31.10 2009 was 25 968 baht. The association’s sole income is 100B for each portion of pea soup that is served (gift of the restaurant) and voluntary contributions from those who do not eat pea soup at the meetings.

Upcoming activities

Margareta Olsson and Ingrid Cedervall presented the ongoing and upcoming activities:            

Two groups learn to speak, read and write Thai by Khun Ontira and more groups are expected to begin.
A trip to Chiang Mai – Chiang Rai and the Golden Triangle has just ended and a new journey of 5th to 8th February 2010 is scheduled.
Cooking Days at 3 Girls are offered every Tuesday.
Visit to Hua Hin Vineyard can be done twice a week at a reduced price.
Daily excursions with Peter’s sailboat “Life X” has become popular and can be booked directly with him.
Story telling is being planned and may also start early next year.
Watercolour painting once a week under the direction of Rob van Mierop starts 5th of January.
Golf and cultural trip to northern Thailand in February to March.  
Taster lessons in golf at Black Mountain are offered in April for those who have not played before.

On 11th of December this year will be the cultural evening with a visit from Evert Taube Society from Bangkok.

As a frequent guest lecturer is Pär Kågeby from the Embassy scheduled in January.
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in February, possibly together with details of insurance by André Worms.
In March, can hopefully a representative from the municipality to come and inform about their activities – like the mayor himself.
In April, a person from the Black Mountains golf club – which is entirely Swedish – tells us about the club and its activities.
 At the formal negotiations of the annual meeting it was decided that the program committee would change its name to the Board and the statutes of the association shall be developed in the coming year. As Chairman of the Swedish Association was Gert Andersson appointed and eight directors were elected, including four in one year and four in two years.

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