Thai-Danish Club, Danish Women’s Network and Thai-Swedish Chamber Postpone Annual General Meetings

All above mentioned organisations in Thailand have postponed their annual general meeting (AGM) this year. ScandAsia asked them why.

The Chairman of the Thai-Danish Club, mr. Somsiri explains that they have decided to postpone their annual meeting because they feared to many people would stay away.
“We think some people are afraid at the moment and we can not guarantee their security so we have decided to postpone the AGM to the 12th of May,” says mr. Somsiri.

Traffic and politics
Maiken Hallingskov from Danish Women’s Network, says that the women were worried about the traffic.
“We postponed our AGM because of the (red shirts’ red.) demonstrations. We didn’t knew if we would get stuck in traffic, and we did not want to get stuck for hours.” she says.

Mr. Somsiri from the Thai-Danish club explains that the location for AGM is very close the red shirts’ demonstration area, and that just the fact so many people were in the street was a reason to think about the situation. He also tells that he wants the protest to stop as soon as possible:
“They should stop protesting and start talking instead. This is too much for the people of Bangkok and it is not good for either Bangkok or the country,”  says the Chairman of the Thai-Danish Club.

The Danish Women’s Network have not jet fully decided when their AGM is to be held:
“The 22th April is a possibility but it it has not yet been decided. But it is not like it is a question of life-and-death, it is only a Annual General Meeting,” says Maiken Hallingskov.

Swedes just want to have fun
The Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce replies in an e-mail that they have other reasons that the current situation in Bangkok to postpone their AGM:
“We have postponed our AGM to the 8th of April to have a more fun Dinner Event after the formalities, “ writes John Svengren.
John Svengren is referring to the presentation by Fredrik Haren scheduled for the same night as the AGM. Fredrik Haren is the founder of and a renowned writer and speaker on business creativity.

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