New Climate Change Projects

A research project on the impact of climate change on Vietnam’s aquaculture and another project on water treatment for mitigation of climate change impact have been approved under the Pilot Research Collaboration Programme between Vietnam and Denmark.

The research collaboration programme has as its objective to strengthen research capacity in Vietnam under the overall theme of climate change. The programme is piloting a new approach by changing the traditional role of Danish institutions as those defining the themes and selecting their partners. Instead Vietnamese institutions are taking the lead and are responsible for identifying relevant Danish partners.

Since the initiation of the programme in 2008, six projects have been approved. The two recently approved projects are on “Impacts of climate change and adapting bio-security measures for Northern Vietnam’s aquaculture” by the Centre for Environment and Disease Monitoring in Aquaculture, Bac Ninh, and on “Investigation on adaptation technology of water treatment and recycle for mitigating the impact of climate change” by Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology, Hanoi.

Prior to the approval, the projects were assessed by international peer reviewers and technical specialists from the Technical Advisory Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. After the approval a call has been made for Letters of Interest (LoI) from Danish research institutions ready to enter into a partnership with the Vietnamese institutions [click here]. The deadline for submitting LoIs is 20 August, and in mid-September, researchers from the two Vietnamese institutions will go to Denmark to select partner institutions among those who have expressed an interest. Together the institutions will prepare the final project proposal and it is expected that they can initiate the research in early 2011.


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