Inauguration of new Swedish Honorary Consulate General in Kuala Lumpur

H.E. Ambassador Per-Arne Hjelmborn hosted a reception to bid farewell in conjunction to the closure of the Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. He also officiated the opening of the honorary consulate general, which will be open from Augusti 1st.

Despite rain and heavy traffic jam, almost 100 people participated in the reception. Members from the media, the diplomatic corps, representatives from MASBA (Malaysia Sweden Business Association) as well as Swedish residents in Malaysia listened to two young Malaysian singer/songwriters entertain throughout the evening.

H.E. Ambassador Per-Arne Hjelmborn held an appreciated speech and emphasized how the already excellent relationship between Sweden and Malaysia can develop further with the help of  a devoted and influential honorary consul general. The recently appointed honorary consul general Yang Mulia Tunku Dato’ Ya’acob bin Tunku Tan Sri Abdullah, member of the royal family of Negeri Sembilan and CEO of the company MAA Holdings Berhad, highlighted in his speech that Swedish citizens also in the future should feel most welcome to visit and work in Malaysia as well as feel safe if any problems would occur.

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