Volvo Trucks Family Day – more than just trucks

“Safety, quality and good looking trucks, that’s my impression of the Volvo Trucks brand, said 36 year-old, Brady Zhou during his visit at Volvo Trucks family day at The Place, in downtown Beijing.

Zhou spent his afternoon together with his family trying to understand the connection between trucks and cars, he explains.

“In China, we have become very concerned about the environment, especially with the amount of cars rolling on the roads. Unfortunately we don’t see trucks in the same way, we just associate them with China’s many construction areas. This has given me a new perspective to connect both together. An awareness of the significant role trucks have in our society, he said.

And it was that eco-awareness that Volvo Trucks tried to reach out to its customers and the public on August 27th.

“Two way communications with our customers and the public is very important for us. We always try to develop ways to promote our drivers on fuel-efficient driving, safety and good maintenance so in the long run the trucks can be used for many years in good condition. The concept is environmental care, but also productivity and economic reward for our costumer, that’s very important, said Sungjong Lee brand and marketing Director of Volvo Trucks Asia.

Volvo Trucks officially announced its Euro 4 engine for the Chinese market. It means that Volvo Trucks in China is already complying with Euro 4 emission standard, which will be implemented in China next year for heavy duty trucks. Volvo Trucks is currently offering customers in Europe with engines compliant to the more stringent Euro 5 emission standard. Higher emission standards not only lowers the environmental impact of trucks but also goes hand in hand in lowering fuel consumption of trucks.

Another way to promote healthy and sustainable development is the Volvo Trucks Fuelwatch competition. Almost one thousand Volvo truck drivers around China have been involved in almost 40 different training programs during this year in fuel efficient driving. Peng Chunlei was the winner amongst the ten finalists who competed in the final driving competition and will represent China in the world championship in Sweden in October.

“We could have explained in a classroom how to drive fuel efficiently. We thought a competition would be better. You can have all the technology in the world but if you don’t have a good driver the fuel consumption will still be high, said Joachim Rosenberg, President of Volvo Trucks Asia

For Zhou the family day, that attracted more than 3 500 visitors were very appreciated.

“I was happily surprised when I got here, I didn’t expect ceremony, music and splendor today.”

A different family day from strolling in parks, he said smiling.


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