Big interest in Danish Information meeting in Bangkok

Registration is closed for the information meeting for Danes and Danish families in Thailand on next Wednesday 7 February 2024 according to the website of Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce.

As of today, 55 people from all of Thailand have registered for the information meeting . The event has a maximum capacity of 60, so only few spots are left. New participants may try to contact Marianne Edelmann Krüger of Danes Worldwide on [email protected].

According to Marianne Edelmann Krüger some attendees will even travel from the North of Thailand to join the event.

The Embassy of Denmark, Danes Worldwide and the Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce (DTCC) have worked together to plan a meeting about new rules and regulations, that affect the lives of Danes in Bangkok. The event will take place at the Embassy of Denmark in Bangkok from 18.00 to 21.00 .

The discussion topics include family reunification, Danish national pension, taxation issues, Driving Licenses, Updating the National Citizens Register in Denmark and Admission to Danish high school and university.

Source: Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce

About Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen

Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen is a journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

View all posts by Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen

One Comment on “Big interest in Danish Information meeting in Bangkok”

  1. Hi Charlotte, My name is Inge. I was born in Copenhagen in 1941 – which makes me 82 years age. Unfortunately, due to injuries in the Phuket tsunami, I am disabled. I was unable to travel to Bangkok, for this meeting – which would have been really important to look for advice about my situation.. I moved to Thailand in 1999 and I live in a village called Khanom Beach, in Nakohn Si Thammarat. My phone number is 08198943839. I am a naturalized Canadian citizen. At that time, 1975, I had to surrender my Danish passport. My situation is that Danish Pensions have cut off my 2 pension benefits. I hope you can refer me to someone with whom I can speak or write to. My fanily back in Denmark do not have time to help me, unfortunately. Tak, Inge.

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