Cultural evening at the Danish Embassy

A combined art evening with an opening reception of new
paintings and a film screening of the new Danish drama thriller ’In a Better
World’ (Hævnen) from 2010 was held at Danish Embassy in Beijing on the evening
of November 30th.

The Danish Ambassador to China, Friis Arne Petersen, opened
the evening, where he welcomed the exhibiting artist Qiu Bin and his paintings
to the Danish embassy and the guests to the event.

The Danish embassy is supporting young Chinese artists with
the ‘Young Artist Painting Exhibition’ by giving them a platform to show their
paintings. Qiu is exhibiting at the Danish embassy from November 2012 to
February 2013.

Qiu Bin, who was born in 1975, has lived in Europe for 10
years, and his views and values are formed by both eastern and western
mentality and philosophy, which he incorporates in his paintings.

45 guests participated in the event. The guests were members
of the Sino-Danish Alumni Network, students from the Sino-Danish Center and
Danish Language Faculty at Beijing Foreign Studies University as well as fans
from the embassy’s weibo profiles and a row of journalists.

After the reception, the movie “In a Better World” was
shown. “In a Better World” is directed by Susanne Bier and has reaped a row of
international prices in 2011, including the Oscar for Best Foreign Language

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