Danish Ambassador adopts wait-and-see attitude on Thai army´s coup

The Danish Ambassador to Thailand,  Michael Hemniti Winther, believes that Thailand risks further confrontations, if the Army takes sides politically. The Thai people, in general, are not all that surprised that the military decided to oust the civilian government, he told Ritzau on May 23. This is not the first time military took over government.


“But a development like this, especially for the Thai people, is sad no matter what. People are aware that this is a drastic step, with potential for conflicts, and there is a sense of uncertainty in the air, because we are still waiting to see what the military will come up with.” he said.

The Ambassador landed in Bangkok after a day’s visit in Myanmar, and quickly noted a difference in the Thai capital.

“I could see that there were soldiers present in the streets. Though not in any aggressive posture, but we are seeing military checkpoints and vehicles around.

Star Tour, the Danish travel agency, advised their guests to stay away from Bangkok, which Michael Hemniti Winther did not, but instead he urged Danes read up the latest travel advisory released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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