Danish artist’s long-planned China exhibition postponed due to Covid-19

Photo: Mette Mørk

The Danish artist Ole Aakjær’s long-planned exhibition at the Chongqing Museum of Modern Art in China has been postponed to 2022 due to Covid-19.

In April, Scandasia shared the story about how Ole Aakjær only discovered his passion for watercolor art seven years ago but that he had already been invited to exhibit his art in China.

The exhibition should have taken place from September and a few months onwards, but a new coronavirus outbreak in China has meant the closure of several Chinese cities and strict  quarantines rules for travelers.

In an interview with local media JydskeVestkysten, Ole Aakjær explains that it was difficult to enter China in the past but due to a rising number of Covid-19 cases in the country recently, it is now even more difficult. The Chinese quarantine rules would mean that Ole Aakjær, his wife, and his son would have to sit in three separate single rooms for three weeks before being allowed to enter the country.

Although intense work has been done to make this autumn’s China exhibition a success, it has now been decided that the artworks for the Chinese exhibition will instead be exhibited in New York first and next year they will be sent back to China.

“It is a great relief that that decision has now been made, even though I have actually been counting down the days until we were meant to depart for China,” Ole Aakjær says

Fortunately, the Danish artist still has a museum exhibit to look forward to as his artwork will be exhibiting at Vejle Art Museum in Denmark from 9 July. That exhibition will be his first museum exhibition to date.

Read more about Ole Aakjær’s journey into art and the meaning and inspiration behind his works here.

About Mette Larsen

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