King Harald of Norway congratulates Xi Jinping

His Majesty King Harald V of Norway has sent his greetings on the occasion of the re-inauguration of Xi Jinping as the President of China.

Foto: Sølve Sundsbø / Det kongelige hoff.

In an official letter was sent by the Norwegian Royal Court on Monday the 26th, the King states the following:

HE Mr Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing

Your Excellency,

On the occasion of your reinauguration as President of the People’s Republic of China, I wish to extend my warmest congratulations and my best wishes to you personally and to your family, and my hopes for the welfare and prosperity of the people of the People’s Republic of China.

Harald R

The greetings from the King comes in a time where the two countries are slowly rebuilding their relationship after a Chinese activist was awarded with the Nobel Prize in 2010, causing a halt in trade relations.

The relationship between the countries was normalized around 2016 and since then Norway has regained to position as one of the major seafood exporters to China.

The King will also visit China later this year in the autumn, which will be the first visit to the country since 1997.

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