Monitor ERP System Levels Up in Asia

Monitor ERP System Sdn Bhd recently celebrated the opening of their new ASEAN headquarters in Penang, Malaysia. On that same day, the Monitor ASEAN team held a launch event for their latest product offering, MONITOR G5. 10 years in developing, and 40 million Euro invested, MONITOR G5 comes to the Malaysian Market to help manufacturing companies level-up their operations and take another step towards a digitalised production environment.

MONITOR G5 is the new generation of the ERP system MONITOR. The product has a new technical platform and a new user interface. Monitors’ goal in developing G5 was to future proof their customers’ business by offering a technical platform developed on the latest technology, offering enhanced levels of mobility, and analytical capabilities.

MONITOR G5 is packed with literally thousands of new features and functionalities. A new modern user interface. Great performance enhancements in calculation procedures. The planning of production has been reworked and improved. We have taken our unique specialization in production and logistics to the next level in MONITOR G5. With a more transparent master plan and an improved detail planning you now get an even better control of your production processes. Visual planning, coordinated processing, and Pool planning provide you with useful tools to help you increase the productivity of your business.

MONITOR G5 is – just like its predecessor – a “turn-key” system with reports and document templates ready to use. But now we can also offer a greater flexibility where you yourself can adapt aspects of the system based on your own requirements and needs. You can design your own document layout, create your own reports, and customize your BI views.

In MONITOR G5 there is an app for accessing the system, regardless of where you are or what kind of device you are using: a tablet computer, smartphone, or directly in the web browser. Working in a warehouse you can perform stock-count, move stock balances, pick material, and perform arrival/delivery. These are just a few examples of possibilities in the app.

When asked about the opening of the new office and the launch of MONITOR G5, managing director Daniel Haggmark had this to say: “Two years ago we made a decision after exploring the market here in the ASEAN region for a couple of years. We found Malaysia to be a suitable new home as our regional headquarters. The response we got here was overwhelming from day one, all the people we met, customers and business partners were so supportive and open to help.

Being the market leader in Sweden for 40 years was a big help during the beginning to attract the interest from potential customers and representatives from the industry. We knew that we had the best product on the market, but is having the best product enough to convince a local business owner to decide to invest in a system that will be the backbone of their whole organisation and sustain them for future success? Every company we went to wanted to know what team we had to support here in Malaysia? What would happen if we moved back to Sweden etc. etc.?

In the beginning we didn’t really understand their worry and tried to explain how stable the system was, and that we were 3 guys here supporting them.

But of course the local business owner was right, investing in the support and the local presence was key to long term regional sustainability. An analogy is to think who would ever buy a Volvo car here in Malaysia if there were no place to service it or to call when you need help? It would be hard to sell a Volvo here if you ask the customer to go to Sweden when you need to service it.

With the fantastic commitment and support from our great owner and Sweden Management we started our journey. We told ourselves that if we can be a market leader in Sweden for small to medium sized manufacturing companies, why shouldn’t we aim to be the same here in Malaysia.

So the last two years we have started to level up. We have grown from 3 to 40 employees. We have formed a support team that services all our customers in Asia. We have a consultant team to make sure all our implementations are successful. We have also recently established our new development team to take care of local requirements within the region. Having this great team and local presence, we are now starting to see results. Today we have sold more than 1500 licenses to 65 customers in Malaysia. This year alone, we target to sell over 1000 new licenses. We have gained recognition in different governmental organisations, we are partnering with universities, and we are invited to different manufacturing related organisations to share our industry knowledge and experience.

We have started our journey to be the market leader in Malaysia; committed and focused we will succeed.”

Get info/contact: Monitor ERP System Malaysia/Asia

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