Last week, yet another round of free trade negotiations between EFTA and Thailand was held in Bangkok, moving the parties one step closer towards a full agreement, the Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok writes on their Facebook page.
The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) is the intergovernmental organisation of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland – and Norway. On their own website, they elaborate on what was discussed during the meetings:
“Expert discussions covered a wide range of areas including trade in goods, sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS), trade in services, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), investment, trade remedies, legal and horizontal issues, government procurement, trade and sustainable development, cooperation and capacity building as well as intellectual property rights. Heads of delegations also met on several occasions to define optimal ways of advancing on the most sensitive issues.”
Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok explains in their post that they have followed the negotiations closely, and they are delighted to see it going well. They even had the opportunity to host a dinner for both heads of the EFTA delegation as well as the Norwegian EFTA delegation.
“This is an important process to further strengthen the close ties between Norway and Thailand. We are looking forward to welcoming the EFTA delegation back to Thailand in January for the next round of negotiations!”
Source: Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok and EFTA