Norwegian embassy gives new grant to media in Myanmar


The Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) is a non-profit Burmese media organisation run by exiled Burmese, broadcasting uncensored news and information about Burma via radio and satellite TV.

The royal Norwegian embassy in Yangon, Myanmar, has signed a new grant agreement with the media Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB). The aim of the support is to help DVB to meets its target of becoming a commercially viable news broadcaster by 2020.

The grant agreement continues the embassy’s support to former exiled medias such as DVB.

DVB is a non-profit Burmese media organization, that provides news to the people of Myanmar. They started out as a radio station in Norway in 1992, since they were not allowed to report freely in Myanmar. Later the media moved to Thailand and in 2012 they were able to return to Myanmar.

Norway has together with donors, such as Sweden, been supporting DVB since its establishment.

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