Opportunity to renew passport for Norwegians in Phnom Penh

On Friday 6 May, Norwegian citizens with passports that are about to expire, have expired, or are full will have the opportunity to renew them in Cambodia as the Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok will have personnel present in Phnom Penh.

Send an inquiry to [email protected] to make an appointment and you will be notified of the time and place of the meeting. Remember to bring an old passport!

The Embassy notes that they, unfortunately, can not accept KHR currency.

New passport costs USD 145 (NOK 1690)

For children under 16 years is 85 USD (NOK 770)

Emergency passport costs USD 190 (NOK 1290)

Prepaid bank transfer is possible.


About Gregers Møller

Editor-in-Chief • ScandAsia Publishing Co., Ltd. • Bangkok, Thailand

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