Swedish Uyghur organization protests for East Turkestan

The Swedish Uyghur Committee (SUC) and the representatives of the East Turkestan Government in Exile (ETGE) organised protests in Stockholm and Amsterdam to highlight how the Chinese authorities treat the Uyghur community of East Turkestan.

At the protest in Sweden, the protestors recalled China’s acts during the Urumqi massacre in 2009. A protester spoke about that day to the attended.

“On that unfateful day hundreds if not thousands of Uyghurs were massacred and tens of thousands were arrested across East Turkistan. Since then the Chinese occupational forces have implemented an even more oppressive surveillance-driven police state, laying a groundwork for the ongoing genocide,” he said.

Furthermore, the protestors mentioned the Chinese so-called operation of “People’s War” in East Turkistan, which was initiated in 2014. They alleged, that millions of Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and other minorities in China have been subjected to mass internment in internment camps and prisons.

They also accused the Chinese authorities of allegedly treating the prisoners inhumanely with methods including indoctrination, torture, rape, executions and even organ harvesting.

At the protest in Amsterdam, the so-called Minister of Foreign Affairs of the East Turkistan Government in Exile (ETGE) Salih Hudayar urged the Dutch government to put pressure on the Chinese government in order to stop any violations of human rights.

Source: Big News Network

About Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen

Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen is a journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

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