Three Chinese businessmen fall victim to Danish CEO impersonation scam

Three Chinese businessmen arrived at Power’s headquarters in Glostrup, Denmark, expecting to finalize a major electronics deal with CEO Jesper Boysen. However, they soon learned they had been deceived by an impersonator.

The scam started at the IFA technology fair in Berlin, where a man posing as Boysen handed out fake business cards and placed large electronics orders, including a request for 5,000 cooktops. One of Power’s white goods executives discovered the fraud when a Chinese businesswoman inquired about the order. Boysen confirmed he wasn’t present at the fair, and the order was immediately canceled.

Power has since received more questions regarding substantial orders allegedly placed in China, including one large enough to require two 40-foot containers. Boysen warned that the scam, involving millions, went beyond mere pranks and could still have unforeseen consequences.

The company has reported the matter to Danish police and is also working with IFA organizers to alert other businesses.

Source: TV2

About Karoline Rosenkrantz Paasch

Karoline Rosenkrantz Paasch is a journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

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