More Than 10 Swedes Stuck In Vietnamese Floods

At least 12 Swedes is stuck in the flood in Vietnamese province of Lao Cai,
but they are all doing relatively well.
    Renée Peyron, the embassy secretary at the Swedish embassy in Hanoi, told TT on Monday that he had been in
contact with twelve Swedes. All is well.
    “Some of them are in their hotels, others trying to go to Hanoi, which is difficult because the train
departures are cancelled”.
    Among the Swedes is at least one family with children.
    “We recommend that the Swedes remain in their hotels and not trying to go to Hanoi on their own, as
things stands now, “said Peyron. He is stressing that there may be more Swedish
citizens in the area than the twelve persons the embassy had contact with already.

    The tropical storm Kammuri struck the province last week, resulting in
landslides and flooding. The number of dead is expected to rise on Monday and
was about 40 just in Lao Cai, which also roughly the same number missing.

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