New President of the Scandinavian Society Philippines

Bo Lundqvist has been elected as new President of the Scandinavian Society Philippines at the Annual General Meeting last Wednesday. The AGM took place at L’entrecote restaurant in Taguig City, Manila, Philippines.

Approximately 45 people showed up and elected the new board for 2011-2012. Apart from Bo Lundqvist, three new members were welcomed on the Board. The members of the new SSP Excom is now:

Bo Lundqvist (S) – SSP President
Orjan Pettersson (S) – SSP Vice-President
Lea Stroem (N) – Coffee morning co-ordinator
Elin Kuhner (Dk) – Treasurer
Karin Restorp (S) – Web master
Stephan Granroth (F) – New SSP Excom
Kai Eberle (S) – New SSP Excom
Tukka Tulosmaa (F) – New SSP Excom

Goran Ekstrom – Auditor

Three people stepped down from the board: Magnus Gall, Jan Zibell and Rey Trias after having served SSP for a number of years.

Charity is a major part of the work of SSP and three charity projects were granted 50.000 pesos each:

Stairways Foundation in Mindoro
E.V.A Charity Foundation
Sindag Pangarap

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