Aker Solutions Malaysia to provide offshore system for Rotan gas development


Aker Solutions has been awarded a contract from Murphy Sabah Oil Co., Ltd. (Murphy) to deliver the subsea production system for the Rotan deep water natural gas development offshore Malaysia.

The delivery includes hardware for four subsea wells, a hub manifold, in-line tees, a connection system and production control system. First deliveries are scheduled for the second quarter of 2016.



“We’re very pleased to team up with Murphy on this important development,” said Ravi Kashyap, country manager for Aker Solutions in Malaysia. “We look forward to continuing the good cooperation we’ve built over several years having worked with Murphy on other projects in this strategically important region.”

Aker Solutions has worked with Murphy on the Kikeh oil and gas project, the first deep water development in Malaysia, and the Siakap North-Petai oil and gas development, a tieback to Kikeh. Both fields are in Block K offshore East Malaysia at the easternmost state, on the island of Borneo.


About Joakim Persson

Freelance business and lifestyle photojournalist

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