FBCB Women in Business Special – Buffet with Ambassador and Finnish Sauna

The Finnish Business Council Beijing is hosting an FBCB Women in Business Special – Buffet with Ambassador and Finnish Sauna on 14 January at the Finland Ambassador’s Residence.

More about the event, FBCB writes:

If you are a woman in a management position and interested in business exchange with Finnish companies, Finnish Business Council is delighted to invite you to this intimate and casual event. We will get to know each other and share business interests and ideas. We will gather together once a month with an interesting guest speaker.

This time our host is a strong female leader Ambassador Leena-Kaisa Mikkola, who will share her insights. Ambassador Mikkola moved to Beijing from the Ministry’s Department for Africa and the Middle East, where she has worked as Director-General since 2017. In 2011–2016, Mikkola worked as Finland’s Ambassador in Tel Aviv. Her career in the Diplomatic Service includes posts in the Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU in Brussels and the Embassies of Finland in Canberra, Athens, and Budapest.

We start with introductions/speeches at the residence of Ms. Ambassador Mikkola at the main building. After that, we have an evening buffet, and then have the opportunity for a sauna. Please bring your own towel and toiletries.

Seats are limited with FBCB members having the priority. The event language is English.

Find more information and sign up here

About Gregers Møller

Editor-in-Chief • ScandAsia Publishing Co., Ltd. • Bangkok, Thailand

View all posts by Gregers Møller

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