HEI School went to the moon the Finnish way

HEI Schools, the Finnish award winning pre-school system that opened in Bangkok in September 2021, recently arranged an activity that shows very well, how the concept works.

The students participated in a Star Tours theme, which the school posted on its website.

“Our Star tours theme started by discussing and reading lots of books about the solar system,” the school explains.

“We are all aware that the planet we live on is Earth. When asked what we think the green and blue colours represent on the planet, we answered saying the green is definitely a big playground. We then chose our favourite planet and painted it beautifully. We also helped to punch out stars and stuck them around our solar system that we then created altogether.”

“Our Mathematical skills have truly developed with us discussing the Solar System and one of our friends teaching us how to count down from 10-0 before pretending to blast off into space.”

“Our teachers even dressed up and showed us through role play how Astronauts move with zero gravity in space. We discussed what they wear, how they go to space, how they sleep there and even investigated what they might eat.”

The students then wanted to go into space themselves so now the next project will attempt to create and build their very own HEI Rocket!

HEI Schools – the name comes from Helsinki International Schools – is an award-winning international kindergarten from Finland that has consistently been ranked at the top of the World’s Best Education Charts.

The system is co-developed with education experts at the University of Helsinki. The schools constantly strive to research, plan, and innovate for a successful implementation of the Finnish early education system. The idea is to provide purposeful play, to nurture with guidance from highly qualified teachers, and to offer opportunity to adopt learning as a natural process shaped by one’s interests. Only then, can learning happen everywhere and at all times.

Source: www.heibangkok.com

About Gregers Møller

Editor-in-Chief • ScandAsia Publishing Co., Ltd. • Bangkok, Thailand

View all posts by Gregers Møller

One Comment on “HEI School went to the moon the Finnish way”

  1. Like many others, I too switched to online teaching during the pandemic. And today, it’s been a year that I am with a renowned online school in bangladesh

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