Norwegian Norner and Thai SCGC held “Circular Packaging For Real” seminar

The leading Norwegian plastics research and development company, Norner, together with Thai chemical innovation firm, SCG Chemicals (SCGC) and the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) recently organized a seminar, “Circular Packaging For Real” at the K 2022 event in Düsseldorf, Germany.

The main topics discussed were about the problems related to used plastic, eco-friendly plastic production, and sustainable packaging solutions.

Attended the seminar were representatives from several companies including AEPW, Amcor, Erema, Norner, SCGC and Sirplaste.

While research and statistics have shown that we and the planet are seriously facing the global warming problems and constantly increasing carbon footprints, more individuals, both small and big companies, and environmental organizations have put more time and effort to attentively learn to understand about the issues and craft out a plan or make some contributions in a way to protect human lives, the next generations to come, and the world.

Because if not later, when?


About Kanlayakorn Pengrattana

Kanlayakorn 'Princess' Pengrattana is a freelance writer at ScandAsia.

View all posts by Kanlayakorn Pengrattana

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