Plan International and Telenor Group has entered new partnership

Plan International and Telenor Groups has announced a new partnership that includes Scandinavia, Myanmar and Thailand.

On 25 September 2018 Plan International and Telenor Group announced a three years partnership, where they will collaborate on enhancing children and young people’s skills for a digital future.

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organization that works towards advancing children’s rights and equality for girls.

Joint initiatives between Telenor Group and Plan International will focus on reducing inequalities through building skills for a digital future, such as digital literacy, education for out-of-school children, youth educational skills training, closing the digital divide, and educating children and youth on child online safety.

The countries covered by the partnership are Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

“We are proud to announce that Telenor Group, one of the world’s largest telecom companies, is partnering up with Plan International. Together we can use technology to break down the barriers that stand in the way of the poorest children and help close the digital gender gap for girls,” says Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen, CEO of Plan International.

The new partnership will include both financial support and access to a range of digital and mobile technology solutions.

The new agreement draws on previous successful partnership experiences in Pakistan between Plan International Pakistan and Telenor Pakistan. The two organisations have jointly set up Information and communications technology (ICT) labs in remote schools, where thousands of girls and boys as well as their teachers learn digital fundamentals as well as online safety.

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