Swedish hospitality student in Singapore: No bachelor’s degree can compete with EHL

When he was only 10, Hugo Tyden applied for a job at the hotel where he spent his summers. This was the beginning of his interest in hospitality. Source: EHL

Swedish Hugo Tyden has always been encouraged to study hospitality because of his big passion for the industry and after hearing about the Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL) and the fantastic reputation it had, he decided to apply to the EHL bachelor’s program. 

In his eyes, Singapore is the capital of Asia and when he earlier this year heard about the new EHL Campus Singapore which is the Asia-Pacific branch campus of the world-renowned EHL, he decided to jump at the opportunity to apply. 

In a recent interview with Study International, Hugo talks about his international hospitality management degree, life in Singapore, and what he misses from home.

22-year-old Hugo explains that Sweden has many fantastic schools but there is no bachelor’s degree that could compete with EHL. “EHL is ranked as the number one hospitality school in the world. The quality of teaching and the international network it gives its students is one of the biggest advantages, it will definitely give me a leg up in my hospitality career,” he says.

Academically speaking, Hugo aims to achieve success in his international hospitality management program by scoring as high as possible in his work while also being driven to absorb and gain as much knowledge as possible to assist him in his future career. 

“At EHL Campus (Singapore), not only do we learn the hard skills to equip us in our careers, but we are also taught a variety of soft skills. This includes communication and relationship-building that’s valuable in any industry, hospitality or not,” Hugo says.

About everyday life in Singapore, Hugo says he loves the fact that Singapore is a very green city with a large amount of nature throughout it. “I really enjoyed seeing and learning about diverse vegetation here and I look forward to continuing my exploration of various parks and treks,” he says. 

He describes the cuisine in Singapore as very diverse and international and he has really enjoyed sampling a variety of local dishes although he does miss Swedish candy which can’t be easily substituted in the island-city state.

Read the full interview with Hugo Tyden here

EHL Campus Singapore

About Gregers Møller

Editor-in-Chief • ScandAsia Publishing Co., Ltd. • Bangkok, Thailand

View all posts by Gregers Møller

One Comment on “Swedish hospitality student in Singapore: No bachelor’s degree can compete with EHL”

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