Thai labour ministry inspects conditions of berry pickers in Sweden

Officials from Thailand’s Labour Ministry visited Thai berry pickers in Munkfors, Sweden, last week to inspect working conditions and ensure fair wages and benefits. Somchai Morakotsriwan, director-general of the Department of Employment (DoE), led the delegation. They met with Ransaters Invest AB, a wild berry processing company, discussing issues such as wages, taxes, working hours, housing, and skill training.

Somchai highlighted the importance of fair treatment for Thai workers, noting that cooperation between Thailand and Sweden builds trust and improves work efficiency. More than 1,100 Thai workers are in Sweden for the 2024 harvest season.

Both Thai and Swedish authorities have agreed that employers will cover passport, visa, work permit fees, as well as meals and accommodation for the workers.

Source: Bangkok Post

About Karoline Rosenkrantz Paasch

Karoline Rosenkrantz Paasch is a journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

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