Official Royal Visit to Malaysia

Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit are making an official visit to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 8th – 10th March inclusive. Their Royal Highnesses will be accompanied by a business delegation from Norway who will also be offered a series of business seminars organized by Innovation Norway. The business seminars will focus on the following sectors:

Oil & Gas(organised by INTSOK, in co-operation with Innovation Norway,PETRONAS and PETRAD)
1. Solutions for Deepwater Developments and Stranded Gas
2. Technology and Methods for Improved Oil Recovery

Aquaculture (in co-operation with Department of Fisheries Malaysia)

Tunnel & Underground (organised by Norwegian Public Road Administration andNorwegian Tunneling Society)

Defence Industry Seminar (organised by the Norwegian Defence and Security Industries Association)


Programmes are subject to changes  in the future. For more information/updates about the Norwegian Business Delegation to Malaysia, please click here.

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