Aqua-Spark invests in aquaculture tech firms in Finland and Vietnam

Illustrative image of a shrimp farm in Vietnam.

Aqua-Spark, the Netherlands-based global aquaculture investment fund, recently launched investment projects in aquaculture tech firms in Finland and Vietnam.

The company together with Tesi, Valio, Voima Ventures, and Nordic Foodtech invested an EUR 11 million (USD 12 million) in a Finnish biotech startup, eniferBio, which has developed a fungal protein produced from the byproducts of food and agricultural processes that contains high levels of carbs, fats, and minerals, reported Seafood Source.

eniferBio was “extremely excited” to have all the new investors joining their mission in providing “the world with sustainable protein,” said eniferBio CEO and Cofounder, Simo Ellilä in a press release.

Furthermore, Aqua-Spark along with AgFunder and Son Tech Investment invested EUR 2 million (USD 2.2 million) in a Vietnam-based shrimp technology company, Tepbac.

Aqua-Spark CEO Lissy Smit said that Tepbac “has incredible potential to improve market access for small farmers and enable more sustainable practices, all while growing and protecting one of the largest shrimp markets in the world.”

According to Tepbac Cofounder Lam Nguyen, Tepbac provides internet-of-things (IoT) enabled hardware and a data-based platform to 1,500 shrimp farms in Vietnam.

“With better tools, increased production, and improved quality, we can develop a more sustainable global aquaculture industry,” said Nguyen.


About Kanlayakorn Pengrattana

Kanlayakorn 'Princess' Pengrattana is a freelance writer at ScandAsia.

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