Danish animal protection criticizes Thai animal market

World Animal Protection Danmark criticizes the living conditions of the animals being sold at Chatuchak weekend market in Bangkok after a fire last week killed thousands of animals. World Animal Protection Danmark claims this type of markets pose a danger to both animals and people, who risk being infected with known and unknown viruses that can mutate into new dangerous health threats.

“Therefore, at a minimum, they should be subject to very strict requirements from the authorities,” says Stephanie Kruuse Klausen, expert in wild animals at World Animal Protection Danmark.

Furthermore, the organisation uses the occasion to push for a general ban of trading wild animals.

“Trading wild animals should be banned in any case. In addition to the health risk it also poses a threat to species conservation as well as the welfare of the animals,” says Stephanie Kruuse Klausen.

The fire started on Tuesday 11 June and is estimated to have killed thousands of animals including many exotic species. According to the Bangkok Post, the cause of the fire was an electric fan, which the owner had kept on at night in order to keep the animals cool.

The popular Chatuchak weekend market in Bangkok has a pet section of around 1400 square meters with around 118 animal stalls.

Source: World Animal Protection

About Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen

Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen is a journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

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