Danish missions in China hosts event to share information on visa/work permit procedures


Embarking on the procedure of obtaining a visa- or working permit can be a timely affair. Photo: the British College

The Danish Chamber of Commerce in China draws attention to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs experiencing an increased demand from business owners and employees for information on which type of Danish visa to recommend their employees to apply for.

Therefore, relevant Danish Authorities and the Danish missions in China, would like to provide an update on the visa and/or work permit procedures and invites interested subjects to a closed-door hybrid event on 31 October.

The Visa Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Copenhagen, the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) and the Danish Immigration Service (DIS) will be present at the session in which they will touch upon the Red Carpet Agreements (individual contracts between company and the mission facilitating the visa procedure) and practical examples of traveling for business on short stay visa and how to determine if a residence- or work permit is needed.

For registration: https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1KNoNZ8jqYJET5k?Q_CHL=qr

About Jeannette Hinrup

Jeannette Sophie Hinrup is a Danish environmental geographer traveling South East Asia while writing for ScandAsia.

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