Finnpartnership Penang event

Finnpartnership organized a ‘Doing Business with Finland’ seminar in George Town on 16 October together with MIDA Penang, Business Finland and the Embassy of Finland, Kuala Lumpur. The focus was on education export and ICT – matchmaking with Malaysian organizations and companies led the way.

Finnish companies Spinfy, Kide Science Malaysia, Oulun yliopisto – University of Oulu (Teacher training) and Hintsa Performance were present, and a lot of other Finnish companies were represented by Finnpartnership.

“Many promising connections were made!” reports the Finnish embassy.

The event was officiated by the Deputy Chief Minister of Penang, Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy.

Source: Embassy of Finland in Kuala Lumpur

About Joakim Persson

Freelance business and lifestyle photojournalist

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