How Danes can be more inclusive towards foreigners

The media The Local Denmark has peformed a survey as to how the Danes, or the Danish system, could be more inclusive for foreigners living in the country, and they recieved many responses.

The survey was distributed for The Local’s readers and here are some of the main themes that appeared in the answers. One women in Copenhagen points toward more inclusion. Perhaps celebrating other cultures’ holidays:

“Melting pot countries like Singapore celebrate Chinese, Malaysian, Christian and Indian holidays,” she noted

She believes that this would allow people from the different communities to understand each others’ cultures.

The language is mentioned many times. Firstly as some of the newcomers find it frustrating that there is a timeline on when they have to attend the free Danish classa offered by the Danish state. The Danish state offers Danish lessons for adults moving to Denmark in their first five years in the country.

Secondly in regards to news being available in English:

“Denmark should have a TV channel and radio in English, so we can follow the news,” states an expat from Brazil

Besides the inclusiveness and the language, the readers also pointed at equality in job opportunities, embracing differences, and the system on which the Danish school is build around.

Source: The Local Denmark


About Lærke Kobberup

Lærke Kobberup is a Journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

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