Join NordCham’s Roundtable for insigths and lively discussions

The Nordic Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (NordCham) invites to ”NordCham Roundtable” on 12 October 2022 in Jakarta, where participants should anticipate “lots of insights and a lively discussion.”

The event is inspired by the American Chamber Services Committee Breakfast and multinationals, SME’s and individuals working for Indonesian companies, Nordic embassies, and TPO’s are encouraged to meet and discuss developments they see happening in the vast and complex Indonesian economy.

Everyone is expected to prepare something to share which may include “what you see in your business/organization and industry, rumors or trends.”

NordCham further states the Roundtabel meeting to be a great place to discuss any problems or challenges your organization is facing while debating solutions and strategies.

Roundtable meetings are considered the gorilla of discussions and conversations giving each participant equal standing in a discussion. This enables everyone to contribute with perspectives and ideas freely to the conversation.

For information and registration:

About Jeannette Hinrup

Jeannette Sophie Hinrup is a Danish environmental geographer traveling South East Asia while writing for ScandAsia.

View all posts by Jeannette Hinrup

One Comment on “Join NordCham’s Roundtable for insigths and lively discussions”

  1. Everyone is expected to prepare something to share which may include “what you see in your business/organization and industry, rumors or trends.

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