National Conference in Finland will discuss peace talks

The Sixth National Conference in Finland takes place from 11 to 13 June, where talks will be held on peace mediation. The conference aims at enhancing the understanding of how dialogue processes can be adapted to the current global environment.

The discussion will include insights and experiences from countries such as Myanmar, South Africa, Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan and Columbia. The conference will highlight, how different actors can complement each others efforts and the rise of so-called middle powers.

This includes different mediation traditions and the role and perspectives of religious actors and indigenous people.

The international speakers include representatives of governments, international and regional organisations, and civil society, and organisations of persons with disabilities. The conference will be opened by Foreign Minister of Finland Elina Valtonen.



About Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen

Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen is a journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

View all posts by Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen

One Comment on “National Conference in Finland will discuss peace talks”

  1. A great “psychological export” from the northern countries to Asia would be encouraging a legal ban of child corporal punishment in Asian countries. A nonviolent childhood really seems to matter a lot for peace – Franz Jedlicka has compared worldwide data on this with peace statistics.


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