Danish citizenship test for the public

If a foreign citizen wants to immigrate to Denmark they have to meet multiple demands. One of them is that they have to pass the Danish Citizenship test. This test has been published for people to try it out.

Click here to try the test.

The test has 45 questions, which the applicant has to answer within 45 minutes. The applicant has to get 36 out of the 45 questions right to pass the test.

The last five question is about the Danish values and the applicant has to get at least four of those right to pass as well. The test has questions about both Danish history, Danish culture, and the current political situation in Denmark.

The test has been published by the Danish Angency for International Recruitment and Integration.

Source: DR

About Lærke Kobberup

Lærke Kobberup is a Journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

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