Norway to explore hydropower projects in Indonesia

Norway’s Energy Minister Terje Aasland said Norway plans to form a strong partnership with Indonesia and explore investment opportunities in renewable energy in areas such as hydropower and carbon capture and storage (CCS).

Terje Aasland met with his Indonesian counterpart Arifin Tasrif in Jakarta, where they discussed future cooperations. Aasland said, that Norwegian companies can use their experience in renewable energy in order to reduse emissions in Indonesia.

“A lot of opportunities are there, and there are some hurdles, but I hope we can build a stronger partnership in years to come,” Terje Aasland said.

Furthermore, the Norwegian minister met with representatives of Norwegian firms in Singapore including Equinor, DNB and Yarra, who are all investing in renewable energy and energy storage.


About Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen

Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen is a journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

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