The hunt for the blue diamond

The missing jewellery from the theft of Saudi Arabian crown jewels in 1989 is the subject of a radio program aired on Swedish National Radio on March 5, 2013. The program is in Swedish language but with a few sound bits from the reporter’s interview of the thief, who now lives a normal life in northern Thailand after having served his prison sentence for the theft.

The program details the theft and the problems that followed when the returned jewellery turned out to be fake copies and especially when the unique huge blue diamond of 50 carats was missing. The scandal has since cost the lives of several people and continues to taint the reputation of many people in the top of the Thai society, the program report.


The centerpiece of Chopard Blue Diamond Ring is a 9-carat blue diamond (in photo) with diamond shoulders. The one stolen from the Saudi Arabian Royal family was five times the size of this diamond. The ring shown was sold in 2007 for over $16,000,000.
The centerpiece of this Chopard Blue Diamond Ring is a 9-carat blue diamond (in photo) with diamond shoulders. The ring was sold in 2007 for over $16,000,000. The one stolen from the Saudi Arabian Royal family – of which no confirmed photo is available on the Internet – was five times the size of this diamond.


About Gregers Møller

Editor-in-Chief • ScandAsia Publishing Co., Ltd. • Bangkok, Thailand

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