Vietnam and Norway collaborate as UN Security Council members

Photo: Norwegian Embassy in Hanoi

On 29 June, Norwegian Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Soreide and her Vietnamese counterpart Bùi Thanh Sơn discussed the two countries’ relations and cooperation at the United Nations Security Council during a telephone conversation.

The two diplomats highly valued the cooperation thus far between Vietnam and Norway at multilateral forums, which they see as a result of the two countries’ support for multilateralism and international law and also the two countries shared interests and priorities in women, peace, and security, climate change, resolving bomb and mine issues, and protection of civilians in conflicts.

The Vietnamese foreign minister thanked Norway for its support during the month that Vietnam holds the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council.

Both parties also expressed pleasure at the growing ties between Vietnam and Norway, especially with bilateral trade hitting US$500 million in 2020. Regarding the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations between the two nations, Foreign minister Bùi Thanh Sơn invited his Norwegian counterpart to visit Vietnam at the earliest and appropriate time which she gladly accepted.

Source: Vietnam News

About Mette Larsen

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