Danish funding for wastewater treatment in Myanmar

Danish Ambassador to Myanmar John Nielsen inaugurated Win Agro-Livestock Co., Ltd.’s (Walco) new wastewater treatment plant on 29 November 2018.

Photo: Embassy of Denmark in Myanmar

The plant is co-financed by the Danish Responsible Business Fund (RBF).

With support from RBF, Walco is now one of the few small and medium enterprises in Myanmar compliant with wastewater regulations, according to the Embassy of Denmark in Myanmar.

RBF is a part of the Danish Development Assistance to Myanmar. RBF is a ‘Challenge Fund’ that aims to increase the competitiveness and responsible behavior of Myanmar enterprises by providing partial grants to small and medium enterprises for the implementation of innovative projects in the following seven areas: Energy efficiency, water use efficiency, waste treatment and recycling, occupational safety and health. food safety, managerial and supervisory skills and practical and technical skills.

Walco was established in 1992 and produces milk, yogurt, butter and other milk products in Myanmar.

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